Quantity tutorial

An overview of basic mlmc.quantity.quantity.Quantity operations. Quantity related classes and functions allow estimate mean and variance of MLMC samples results, derive other quantities from original ones and much more.

import numpy as np
import mlmc.quantity.quantity_estimate
from examples.synthetic_quantity import create_sampler

First, the synthetic Quantity with the following result_format is created

# result_format = [
#     mlmc.QuantitySpec(name="length", unit="m", shape=(2, 1), times=[1, 2, 3], locations=['10', '20']),
#     mlmc.QuantitySpec(name="width", unit="mm", shape=(2, 1), times=[1, 2, 3], locations=['30', '40']),
# ]
# Meaning: sample results contain data on two quantities in three time steps [1, 2, 3] and in two locations,
#          each quantity can have different shape

sampler, simulation_factory, moments_fn = create_sampler()
root_quantity = mlmc.make_root_quantity(sampler.sample_storage, simulation_factory.result_format())

root_quantity is mlmc.quantity.quantity.Quantity instance and represents the whole result data. According to result_format it contains two sub-quantities named “length” and “width”.

Mean estimates

To get estimated mean of a quantity:

root_quantity_mean = mlmc.quantity.quantity_estimate.estimate_mean(root_quantity)

root_quantity_mean is an instance of mlmc.quantity.quantity.QuantityMean

To get the total mean value:


To get the total variance value:


To get means at each level:


To get variances at each level:


Estimate moments and covariance matrix

Create a quantity representing moments and get their estimates

moments_quantity = mlmc.quantity.quantity_estimate.moments(root_quantity, moments_fn=moments_fn)
moments_mean = mlmc.quantity.quantity_estimate.estimate_mean(moments_quantity)

To obtain central moments, use:

central_root_quantity = root_quantity - root_quantity_mean.mean
central_moments_quantity = mlmc.quantity.quantity_estimate.moments(central_root_quantity,
central_moments_mean = mlmc.quantity.quantity_estimate.estimate_mean(central_moments_quantity)

Create a quantity representing a covariance matrix

covariance_quantity = mlmc.quantity.quantity_estimate.covariance(root_quantity, moments_fn=moments_fn)
cov_mean = mlmc.quantity.quantity_estimate.estimate_mean(covariance_quantity)

Quantity selection

According to the result_format, it is possible to select items from a quantity

length = root_quantity["length"]  # Get quantity with name="length"
width = root_quantity["width"]  # Get quantity with name="width"

length and width are still mlmc.quantity.quantity.Quantity instances

To get a quantity at particular time:

length_locations = length.time_interpolation(2.5)

length_locations represents results for all locations of quantity named “length” at the time 2.5

To get quantity at particular location:

length_result = length_locations['10']

length_result represents results shape=(2, 1) of quantity named “length” at the time 2,5 and location ‘10’

Now it is possible to slice Quantity length_result the same way as np.ndarray. For example:

length_result[1, 0]
length_result[:, 0]
length_result[:, :]
length_result[:1, :1]
length_result[:2, ...]
Keep in mind:
  • all derived quantities such as length_locations and length_result, … are still mlmc.quantity.quantity.Quantity instances
  • selecting location before time is not supported!

Binary operations

Following operations are supported

  • Addition, subtraction, … of compatible quantities

    quantity = root_quantity + root_quantity
    quantity = root_quantity + root_quantity + root_quantity
  • Operations with Quantity and a constant

    const = 5
    quantity_const_add = root_quantity + const
    quantity_const_sub = root_quantity - const
    quantity_const_mult = root_quantity * const
    quantity_const_div = root_quantity / const
    quantity_const_mod = root_quantity % const
    quantity_add_mult = root_quantity + root_quantity * const

NumPy universal functions

Examples of tested NumPy universal functions:

quantity_np_add = np.add(root_quantity, root_quantity)
quantity_np_max = np.max(root_quantity, axis=0, keepdims=True)
quantity_np_sin = np.sin(root_quantity)
quantity_np_sum = np.sum(root_quantity, axis=0, keepdims=True)
quantity_np_maximum = np.maximum(root_quantity, root_quantity)

x = np.ones(24)
quantity_np_divide_const = np.divide(x, root_quantity)
quantity_np_add_const = np.add(x, root_quantity)
quantity_np_arctan2_cosnt = np.arctan2(x, root_quantity)

Quantity selection by conditions

Method select returns mlmc.quantity.quantity.Quantity instance

selected_quantity = root_quantity.select(0 < root_quantity)
quantity_add = root_quantity + root_quantity
quantity_add_select = quantity_add.select(root_quantity < quantity_add)
root_quantity_selected = root_quantity.select(-1 != root_quantity)

Logical operation among more provided conditions is AND

quantity_add.select(root_quantity < quantity_add, root_quantity < 10)

User can use one of the logical NumPy universal functions

selected_quantity_or = root_quantity.select(np.logical_or(0 < root_quantity, root_quantity < 10))

It is possible to explicitly define the selection condition of one quantity by another quantity

mask = np.logical_and(0 < root_quantity, root_quantity < 10)  # mask is Quantity instance
q_bounded = root_quantity.select(mask)